How It Work!
Step 1:
Search Candidates
Click the link to the corresponding experience level and employee type you desire to find resumes that match your needs in our talent database
Step 2:
Browse Candidates
Review the suggested matches, and find the right candidate for your open role
Step 3:
Select & Request Info
Submit your employee request with a few simple clicks, and we'll start the hiring process. It's that simple!
Agile Hiring Begins With Our Free Candidate Search
Fast, free, effortless, and instant access to our talent database
Instead of posting jobs on job boards, and waiting for candidates to apply, embrace the speed and innovation of our SourceCelerity process that puts hiring quality, tenacity and efficiency back into your clinic operations by receiving multiple options of qualified, screened candidate within minutes… and it’s absolutely FREE!!! No more wasting time (and time is money) sifting through resumes that don’t match what you’re looking for. Receive qualified candidate resumes to your inbox now!

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Set up your candidate preference to receive screened candidate profiles sent directly to you email inbox.
Talk To Our Staffing Experts
Ready to get started now or have more questions. Please set a time on our calendar today to have one of our staffing specialist call you at your earliest convenience.